Friday, February 22, 2013

Interested in Transition thingys?

My first post should have probly been the reason behind the blog and not my summarized/disorganized past-present.
So basically the reason for this blog is bc i need a place to store bottled up thoughts and express my self even if no one sees/reads these posts it helps with anxiety. Its kind of like an online storage were i can keep everything and anything. And also if you do not support LGBT that doesn't bother me (well ya it kinda does) but I understand that you can't accept or don't understand LGBT and that is due to your own personall belief and opinion. The only thing i ask of the people who don't support LGBT is before you lash out in hatred or anger or post discrimantory things to just take the time and try to rationalize things from our point of view or just respect our beliefs enough to not try and make things harder for us. There are things that i hate/disagree with in this world to but im not going to personally and intentionally hurt people and make them feel bad for thier opinions. So if you are against LGBT respect me enough to save me the intintional harrassment. now that thats out of the way Through out this blog i am going to post random thoughts about LGBT and i am also going to be talking about what going through transition is like. Since i am at the begining i can hopefully make things very desriptive. I will be talking about every aspect of my transition on here. From the effects of horomones to how the community treats me on a daily basis. I will be talking about things that work for me and things that don't. Just keep in mind that im assumeing everyones transition is differnt so dont expect yours to be exactly like mine, i am truly blessed to have close friends and family who are more accepting than the average family. (based on past expiernce not sure how things will turn out throughout my transition obv) so wether you are interested in my life or you want to know what its like for transgendered people going through transition or if you are just plain bored and you are going to use my blogs as a means of what i excepect minimal entertainment, i hope you find my blog helpful in anyway and also am looking forward to any and all input (unless its plain out bashing of LGBT) Thank you for reading <3

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